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Glossary Terms

1:1/Student Device Model

With our Student Device Model, every student in the school has their own laptop or tablet, which provides them with the learning and accessibility tools to reach their potential and equip them with the skills they need for college, work and beyond.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology includes laptops or tablet computers with modified software, keyboards, touch pads and more, that are designed to make learning easier for students with disabilities.

Active Learning

The learning process where students are actively engaging with their educational material. Active learning involves peer discussion, reading, writing, and direct engagement to solve problems.

Blended Learning

A combination of different modes of learning – both in the classroom and online.


Classroom-based assessments provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and skills in ways not possible in a formal examination. Check out our blog for more insights on CBA.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is a process where students actively engage with their fellow classmates and/or teachers to work on tasks.

Computer Based Learning (CBL)

A structured environment where computers are primarily used to teach as a key component, both in and out of a classroom situation.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

CPD refers to a teacher actively taking steps, such as training, to ensure that they keep to the highest and most current standard of others who are working in education. Wriggle’s dedicated training platform, Wriggle Connect, provides hundreds of curated CPD courses and upskilling videos available for teachers to help them fulfil their goals.

Critical Thinking

The mental process when evaluating information that has been put forth. This consists of reflection, examination, and formation of judgement.


The courses and contents offered by educational institutions. Curriculum may be determined, either partially or completely, by external bodies.


Educational Technology is the combined use of tablets and/or computers along with educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.


Similar to EdTech, e-learning means that the lessons take place online as opposed to in person.

Electronic Portfolio

Primarily known as a digital or e-portfolio, an electronic portfolio is a portfolio found on electronic media such as a tablet.


K-12, a term used in education and educational technology in the United States, Canada and some other countries, is a short form for the publicly supported school grades prior to college.

Learning Outcome

While the usage of learning outcomes may vary between different organisations, the term usually refers to either the objectives of the class.

Lesson Plan

The detailed course description for a lesson, put together by the teacher.


Mobile Device Management is the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, and laptops.


The art and science of teaching, from the Greek paidagogos. The Latin for pedagogy is education and is much more widely used, though they are interchangeable.

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

A system of software that has been designed to assist teachers in course management for students. VLE can track progress of students, which can then be monitored by all participating parties. Can be used as a supplemental program for face-to-face learning and is a primary tool in distance education.

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

A concept of active learning, currently being adapted for primary and secondary education. Defining characteristics of PBL include being driven by open-ended problems, collaborative working in small groups, and the use of facilitators rather than teachers.

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